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Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala : How to buy multi bagger stocks?

For any investor, buying stocks which can be multibaggers are the most attractive option. Raamdeo Agrawal, Director, Motilal Oswal Financial Services owned over 10 multibagger stocks, while Sanjoy Bhattacharyya, Partner, Fortuna Capital owned over 100 baggers. And we all know about the success story of Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, legendary investor in Indian stock market.

But how does one identify a multibagger? Valuation, a company's fundamentals, a business that promises growth over time, management's integrity, rational allocation of capital etc decide if a stock is of the multibagger variety.

Infosys a best value pick

Infosys is one of the best value picks in this market today, says PN Vijay, Portfolio Manager.
Vijay told CNBC-TV18, "The technology pack I think represents a great buying opportunity. In fact the bear operators had the temerity to short TCS and they quickly realized their mistake and covered. I think people did a little bit of over reaction to the possible fall in the contracts from US and the European Union (EU). EU of the big nations are doing quite well, the France’s and the Germany’s of the world and even UK started doing well. So, I don’t see any great slowdown in contracts and on the other hand the technology companies have hired adequately their bench level as the percentages back, they do have a cost problem. But I think the big technology players especially Infosys is one of the best value picks in this market today."
Source : Moneycontrol